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BiogeographicAssessments_NCCOS_ChoptankRiver (MapServer)
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Document Name:
Choptank Habitat Focus Area Boundaries(1)
Harris Creek Boundary(2)
Tred Avon Boundary(3)
Little Choptank Boundary(4)
Choptank Tributaries(5)
Choptank Subsections(6)
Choptank Subwatershed Monitoring Segments(7)
Choptank Waterbody Monitoring Segments(8)
Land Cover(9)
Land Cover 2010 Subset(10)
Land Cover 2010(11)
Choptank 2006(12)
Land Cover 2001(13)
Land Cover 1996(14)
Environmental Sensitivity Index (General)(16)
Environmental Sensitivity Index (Detailed)(17)
Shoreline Situation Report (General)(18)
Shoreline Situation Report (Detailed)(19)
Water Quality(20)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy 2014(21)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Salinity Regimes 2014(22)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Clarity 2014(23)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Surface Dissolved Oxygen 2014(24)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Summer Bottom DO 2014(25)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Total Nitrogen 2014(26)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Total Phosphorus 2014(27)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Chlorophyll A 2014(28)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Monitoring Stations 2014(29)
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy Segments(30)
Total Suspended Matter(31)
Concentration of Total Suspended Matter (Winter, 2009-2015)(mg/L)(32)
Concentration of Total Suspended Matter (Spring, 2009-2015)(mg/L)(33)
Concentration of Total Suspended Matter (Summer, 2009-2015)(mg/L)(34)
Concentration of Total Suspended Matter (Fall, 2009-2015)(mg/L)(35)
Maryland Biological Stream Survey Monitoring Stations(36)
Waste Water Treatment Plants(37)
Chesapeake Bay Program Water Quality Longterm Monitoring Stations(38)
Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (BIBI)(39)
Tidal BIBI(40)
Versar BIBI Fixed Stations(41)
Versar BIBI Random Stations(42)
Versar BIBI Random Stations Condition(43)
MBSS Sentinel Site(45)
MBSS BIBI Random Stations (46)
MBSS BIBI Random Stations Condition(47)
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)(48)
SAV persistence(49)
SAV 2014(50)
SAV 2013(51)
SAV 2012(52)
SAV 2011(53)
SAV 2010(54)
SAV 2009(55)
SAV 2008(56)
SAV 2007(57)
SAV 2006(58)
SAV 2005(59)
Fish Habitats(61)
Choptank Fish Passage(62)
Choptank Fish Blockage(63)
Choptank MBSS Fish IBI - Condition(64)
Fish Survey data(65)
MD DNR-FHEP Estuarine Community Sampling - seine(66)
MD DNR-FHEP Estuarine Community Sampling - trawl(67)
University of Maryland Surveys(68)
MD Biological Stream Survey(69)
MD DNR Juvenile Fish Seine Survey(70)
Herring Spawning Habitat(71)
Essential Fish Habitat Consultations(72)
Essential Fish Habitat Consultations(73)
Historic Oyster Bars(75)
Oyster Protected Areas(76)
Oyster Public Shelfishery Areas(77)
Anthropogenic Oyster(78)
Biogenic Oyster(79)
Oyster Planting 2000-2013(80)
Historic Oyster Planting 1958-1999(81)
Choptank Oyster Longterm Monitoring Stations(82)
Benthic Habitat(83)
Benthic Habitat(84)
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