Sediment Contamination (48)
Subsurface Plume (49)
Modeled Contamination Distribution (47)
Flower Garden Bank National Marine Sanctuary (46)
Depth Contours (143)
MDBC MGM Study Area (252)
MDBC MGM Regions (144)
DSCRTP MDBC-MGM Query (1980-2020) (147)
| Cnidaira (Corals) |
| Porifera (Sponge) |
RESTORE 2018 Cruise Collections (156)
RESTORE 2017 Cruise Collections (155)
USGS Lophelia II Cruise Collections (2009) (159)
CSA Int. Inc. Lophelia I Cruise Collections (2004-05) (151)
USGS Lophelia I Collections (2004-05) (158)
GoM Deep Sea Cruise Samples (2003) (149)
Smithsonian GoM Invertebrate Collections (1980-97) (150)
FloSEE and Deep Sea Medicines Collections (148)
Sediment Cores collected Post DWH Oil Spill (2010) (249)
GoM Sediment Core Chemistry Analyses (2010-11 & 14) (248)
GoM Sediment Core Pb-210 Inventories (2010-2013) (229)
USGS Lophelia II Geologic Collections (2008-10) (167)
WHOI Sediment Repository Query (1997 & 2007) (165)
Deep Slope 2007 Sediment Cores (164)
CSA Int. Inc. Lophelia I Sediment Cores (2004-05) (166)
usSEABED MDBC MGM Query, Parsed (written descriptions of samples) (168)
usSEABED MDBC MGM Query, Facies (components, genesis, and other info from Parsed) (163)
usSEABED MDBC MGM Query, Extracted (quantitative/analyses of samples) (162)
WHOI-NDSF-SUB Sites (1990-2015) (178)
FWC-FWRI-FIM Reeffish Long-term Video Sites (2010-19) (157)
NOAA Reef Fish Long-term Video Sites (2013-17) (154)
NOAA SEAMAP Long-term Video Sites (1996-2017) (153)
NOAA MPA Long-term Video Sites (2001-14) (152)
Lophelia II Cruise AUV Sites (2009) (176)
BOEM GoM Hydrocarbon Seeps SUB Sites (1988-2002) (175)
CSA Int. Inc. Lophelia I JSL-1 Sites (2004-05) (174)
Islands in the Stream Cruise ROV sites (2001) (173)
Bioluminescence Cruise ROV sites (2015) (172)
Lophelia II 2010 ROV Jason II (192)
USF C-SCAMP C-BASS Long-term Survey (2015-19) (188)
CYCLE Cruise ROV Global Explorer (2019) (187)
NOAA Okeanos GoM ROV Surveys (2012-18) (179)
| EX1202L2 |
| EX1402L3 |
| EX1202L3 |
| EX1711 |
| EX1803 |
FGBNMS Compilation of ROV Surveys (2001-19) (185)
| Deep Fish Habitat Long-term Surveys (2001-19) |
| Potentially Sensitive Biological Features (2011-13) |
| FGBNMS Stetson Bank DFH Survey (2019) |
Florida Shelf-Edge 2010 Expedition JSL-1 (184)
RESTORE 2017 ROV Commanche (190)
Lophelia II 2010 ROV Jason II Tracklines (191)
UNCW-UVP GoM ROV Surveys (2005-19) (189)
| RESTORE 2017 |
| RESTORE 2018 |
| FSU MPA Survey (2005 & 2008) |
| South Texas Banks Survey (2009) |
| CIOERT FGBNMS Survey (2015) |
| Univ. Louisiana FGBNMS Survey (2018-19) |
Deep Slope 2007 ROV Jason II (181)
Deep Slope 2006 HOV Alvin (180)
Operation Deep Scope 2005 JSL-1 (183)
Operation Deep Scope 2004 JSL-1 (182)
USGS 2001-2002 GoM ROV Tracklines (186)
Multibeam Echosounder (18)
Multibeam Fishery Echosounder (19)
Side-scan Sonar (20)
Seismic Profiler (22)
0 m - 1 m Resolution (11)
1 m - 10 m Resolution (12)
10 m - 32 m Resolution (13)
32 m - 100 m Resolution (14)
100 m plus Resolution (15)
Coarse Resolution (Footprints, from raw or point data) (16)
Coarse Resolution (Tracklines, from raw or point data) (27)
2020s (Footprints) (4)
2010s (Footprints) (3)
2000s (Footprints) (2)
2000s (Tracklines) (10)
1990s (Footprints) (1)
1990s (Tracklines) (9)
1980s (Footprints) (0)
1980s (Tracklines) (8)
NOAA Sources (25)
USGS Sources (Footprints) (26)
USGS Sources (Tracklines) (28)
Academic Sources (23)
Industry Sources (24)
Other Sources (250)
NOAA Fishery Multibeam (Pisces) (33)
NOAA NMFS Panama City Side-scan Sonar (Sampled Areas) (34)
BOEM High-resolution Geophysical Surveys (30)
BOEM Seismic Water Bottom Anomalies (31)
BOEM Bathymetry Grid from 3D Seismic (32)
USGS Reeftop Pinnacles (Polygons) from Multibeam Echosounder (44)
USGS Reeftop Pinnacles (Points) from Multibeam Echosounder (43)
USGS salt diapirs from side-scan sonar (36)
USGS geomorphology from side-scan sonar (38)
USGS mass wasting locations (polygons) from side-scan sonar (37)
USGS hydrate locations (points) from side-scan sonar (39)
USGS hydrocarbon seeps from side-scan sonar (40)
FWIR side-scan sonar (sampled areas) (42)
FWIR side-scan sonar (reef delineations) (41)
Study Area #1 (194)
Study Area #2 (195)
Study Area #4 (196)
Study Area #5 (226)
Study Area #7 (227)
Study Area #8 (228)
Study Area #9 (251)
Study #1: Antipathes Probability of Occurrence (218)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Bathypathes Probability of Occurrence (199)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Bebryce Probability of Occurrence (200)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Callogorgia Probability of Occurrence (201)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Isididae Probability of Occurrence (202)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Leiopathes probability of occurrence (203)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Lophelia Probability of Occurrence (204)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Madrepora Probability of Occurrence (205)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Muricea pendula Probability of Occurrence (206)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Paragorgiidae Probability of Occurrence (219)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Paramuricea Probability of Occurrence (221)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Paramuricea biscaya Probability of Occurrence (220)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Placogorgia Probability of Occurrence (222)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Swiftia exserta Probability of Occurrence (223)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Thesea Probability of Occurrence (224)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #1: Villogorgia Probability of Occurrence (225)
| 1 - 0 |
Study #2: Primary Habitat Type (234)
| Coral Reef |
| Coral Community |
| Algal Nodules |
| Algal Reef |
| Deep Coral |
| Soft Bottom |
| Transitional |
Study #4 Antipathes Habitat Suitability (235)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #4 Bebryce Habitat Suitability (236)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #4 Hypnogorgia pendula Habitat Suitability (237)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #4 Placogorgia Habitat Suitability (238)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #4 Swiftia exserta Habitat Suitability (239)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #4 Thesea nivea Habitat Suitability (240)
| 100 - 0 |
Study #7: Bebryce Habitat Suitability (242)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #7: Callogorgia Habitat Suitability (243)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #7: Hypnogorgia Habitat Suitability (244)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #7: Isididae Habitat Suitability (245)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #7: Lophelia pertusa Habitat Suitability (246)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #7: Madrepora Habitat Suitability (241)
| Low |
| Medium-Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Study #8: Leiopathes Habitat Suitability (247)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |