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snippet: This shapefile was created as part of the existing grounding-truthing data of the study area (Bark Point to Sand Island), and its surrounding. It shows the locations of the historic fish spawning grounds in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior.
summary: This shapefile was created as part of the existing grounding-truthing data of the study area (Bark Point to Sand Island), and its surrounding. It shows the locations of the historic fish spawning grounds in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior.
accessInformation: NOAA/NCCOS
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This shapefile contains polygons that locate the historic fish spawning ground in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior as part of compiling the existing ground-truthing, fisheries, and habitats data for the Apostle Islands mapping project. These spawning grounds were digitized from the atlas "Fish Spawning Grounds in Wisconsin Waters of the Great Lakes." by Coberly and Horrall 1980, Marine Studies Centers, University of Wisconsin Madison. The atlas located 11 commercial native fish species based on interviews with the fishermen of the area. The study was part of the efforts to restore the Great Lakes native fish populations. The shapefile attributes have information on the fish spawning grounds, including; the site name, shape length, shape area, common name, chart name, and area number. Six fish species were found to have spawning grounds in the Wisconsin-Lake Superior water. These species are Burbot, Lake Herring, Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, Menominee Whitefish, and Yellow Perch. The charts in the atlas were prepared by Jana Fothergill from the University of Wisconsin and digitized from the atlas by Ayman Mabrouk (</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: UWM Bayfield Peninsula Historic Fish Spawning Map
tags: ["Bayfield Peninsula","Fisheries","Spawning Grounds","Apostle Islands National Lakeshore","USGS","NOAA","NCCOS"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000